Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Three podcasts walk into a bar...

 From the makers of Red vs. Blue, Rooster Teeth Podcast is every bit o f random you would expect from the successful voice actors. The two podcasts I listened to were each over an hour long, taking me about three days to finish listening to on my way to and from work. The actual podcasts while funny followed no pattern or topic list; the four guys would just talk about anything that sprang to mind.

Turbolift is a podcast based around Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG). As of Saturday they only have two podcasts; the first cast being from around 2007... it was a while ago. The second cast is much more recent, maybe two years old if that. The host plans to dissect each episode and go through a list of around ten different categories from story ark to fashion... I had high hopes for this podcast but the host has too many topics in her 20 minute casts that I found it to be boring and difficult to listen to.

NPR's podcast Wait Wait Don't Tell Me... its not so much that I didn't like it more like I thought it went on too long for the kind of show they hosted. basically a phone line quiz show based news articles; the winner's prize is having one of the hosts record a message for the callers answering machine. I managed to finish around 40 minutes of one podcast before I had enough.

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